P.Oxy. 1786

Trismegistos: 64184

Transcription based on: Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt, eds., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (vol. XV; Egypt Exploration Society: Graeco-Roman Memoirs; London; Boston, MA; New York: The Offices of the Egypt Exploration Society; Bernard Quaritch; Humphrey Milford; C. F. Clay; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; George Salby, 1922), 23. Several further articles and transcriptions have been completed, see Blumell and Wayment, Christian Oxyrhynchus, pp. 321–324 for discussion.

Fragment 1


  1. [...............................] ομου πασαι τε̣ θεου λογιμοι α̣.......[...]
  2. [.............................ο]υ ταν ηω σιγατω μηδʼ αστρα φαεσφορα λ̣[ειπ]ε̣
  3. [σ]θ̣ων [.] .̣ λ̣ε̣ι̣ .̣[......]ρ̣[.............] ποταμων ροθιων πασαι υμνουντων δʼ ημων
  4. [π]ατερα χʼ υιον χʼ αγιον πνευμα πασαι δυναμεις επιφωνουντων αμην αμην κρατος αινος
  5. [...............] δ̣[ωτ]η[ρι] μ̣ο̣ν̣ω̣ παντων αγαθων αμην αμην
  1. [...............................] together all tḥẹ of God notable ........[...]
  2. [.............................o]r the day let it be silent neither stars luminous ḅ[e s]c̣
  3. [a]ṛce [.] . ... .[......].[.............] rivers flowing all. While singing but we
  4. [F]ather and Son and Holy Spirit all power return the sound, amen amen. Power and praise
  5. [...............] g̣[iv]e[r] ọṇḷỵ of all good things, amen amen.

There are too many large lacunae to create a running translation.
